Chef Magdalis Galarza

was born and raised in Puerto Rico. She began her culinary experience when she was 8 years old with her grandmother and mother.

Growing up she was always helping in the kitchen during events and festivals and learned the basics of cooking. While studying at Cuyahoga Community College she opened her palate to flavors and new experiences. In 2015, she participated in her first culinary competition and garnered 1st place in Cleveland and 2nd place in San Francisco. That’s when she knew she was born for cooking and serving. Her school extended into her workplace. From one of the best kitchens in the area, Fire, led by Chef Douglas Katz, to working alongside catering, hotels, and fundraisers has sharpened her professionalism.

Creative Feasts

Is focused on fine dining services with Latin root inspired dishes.

Sharing her passion and creativity through food. We believe it is a wonderful way to connect with others and create meaningful memories. By putting our own spin on traditional dishes or experimenting with new flavors and techniques, we’re here to create feasts that not only taste delicious but also reflect our unique personality, heritage, and style.